Mehmet Sarica


Address : Elkridge, MD 21075

Phone : +1 443 470 9545

E-mail :






  • Over 10 years of experience in full stack development. [Using .Net C# MsSQL MVC Angular 2+ Node Typescript]

  • Experience with Machine Learning tools/algorithms ScikitLearn Pytorch TensorFlow2

  • AWS Experience

  • Strong experience designing and developing web applications from scratch.

  • Strong experience in developing Single Page Applications (SPA) using Angular2 Angular4 Angular5 Angular6 framework.

  • Strong experience in building cross browser compatible web applications and web components using HTML5, Bootstrap3.

  • Strong experience in writing Restful Web Apis and implementing security using JWT.

  • Experienced in Progressive Web Applications (PWA) using Angular 2+ and Ionic3 frameworks and utilizing service workers.

  • Strong experience developing custom web components, pipes, and directives using Angular2+ framework.

  • Experienced in developing stand alone web components using Angular6 framework.

  • Experienced in developing cross platform mobile applications using Ionic framework for Android, iOS platforms.

  • Experienced in implementing OOP design patterns.

  • Utilizes functional programming practices using LINQ and developing extension methods.

  • Strong experience in designing responsive UI components using HTML5 and Bootstrap3.

  • Experienced in designing Relational Databases (RDMS).

  • Experienced in Entity Framework using Database first approach.

  • Utilizes GIT for version management

  • Agile/Scrum experience

Work Experience:

  • Promiade Solutions LLC - Senior Software Engineer ( 2019 - )

  • University of Maryland. Baltimore County - Data Science Master Program - Adjunct Professor ( 2021 - )

  • Catalyte - Senior Application Developer ( 2018 - 2019 )

  • Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation – Software Engineer (2012 - 2018 )

  • Baltimore City Public Schools–Computer Science Teacher (2010-2012)

  • Washington Education Foundation – Development and Training Specialist / 2009-2010

  • KC Bilgisayar – Software Developer / 2002-2003) (internship)

  • Tuzla Anatolian Technical High School – Computer Lab Assistant / 2001-2002

  • Turkuaz Bilgisayar Technical Support / 2000-2001 (internship)


Full Stack Developer

Machine Learning Engineer

C# .NET NodeJS .Net



Angular2+ Ionic3 Electron

ScikitLearn Pytorch Tensorflow2

MsSql MySql DynamoDb

Data Analysis


Visual Studio 2015/2017

Visual Code

Jupyter Notebook


Sql Server Management Studio


UMBC - Master - Data Science / 2018 - 2020

Boğaziçi University – B.S - Computer Education and Educational Technology / 2004-2009

Tuzla Anatolian Technical High School – Computer Department / 1999–2003


2020 - Medicare Enrollment & Premium Billing Systems (MEPBS) Project (NodeJs + TypeScript + AWS + MySql + Redshift)

2019 - Casenet (TruCare) (Angular6)

2018 - Enrichment Web Application (Angular6 + .Net + EF + MsSQL)

2018 - IT Maintenance Ticket Mobile Progressive Web App (PWA - Ionic3 )

2018 - Angular Applications are upgraded to Angular6.

2018 - Attendance App( Ionic3 + Angular5 + .Net + MsSQL + PWA) The employees are able to clock in when they enter the building from this app.

2018 - CLF Newsletter Web Application (Angular5 + .Net WebAPI + MsSql) Newsletter app is being rewritten in Angular5

2018 - Point Reward System ( Angular5 + .NET WebAPI+ EF ) The application is rewritten in Angular5 for a better user experience.

2017 - Stem Fair Judging App ( Ionic3 + Angular5 + .Net + MsSQL + SignalR + PWA) Stem Fair Judging app is updated to be a progressive web app with live admin stats.

2017 - Hall Pass Application - For students to sign out/in from classrooms. (Ionic3 + Angular4 + PWA)

2017 - Parent Email Sender - Upgrading to Angular5 + .NET WebApi (Includes Individualized emails/mass emails/scheduling emails and Nurse Module for the Nurse Office)

2017 - Automation Task to change settings in Google Admin console. (Python + Selenium)

2017 - PRS Mobile App (Ionic2 + Angular2 + .Net + MsSql) Mobile application for Point Reward System where parents, students, teachers and admins can use it to track points and also communicate.

2017 - Purchase Order System (Angular4 + .NET + MsSql) Purchase Order System is rewritten using Angular2 (upgraded to Angular4) and .Net technologies.

Purchase Order System is redesigned & rewritten in Typescript using Angular2 framework.

2017 - Grade Sender: This is a Python + Selenium automation project. Application logs in to the admin console and retrieve each student’s assignments with scores and emails them to the parents and students.

2016 - CLF Payment Application: A platform where parents sign up their students for after school/enrichment programs and make payments. Application keeps track of their payments and reminds them about upcoming payments. ( .NET/MVC + AngularJS + MsSQL)

2016 - A Python automation project to transfer student information stored in Google Spreadsheet into MS SQL Database daily. So schools will not have to check whether data in servers are upto date. (Python + Selenium)

2016 - A C#/Selenium automation project for TimeClocks: Automatically checks timeclocks 4 different locations timeclocks and sends email to the employee and HR about the absence. (It was done manually prior to application and required time: 15 minutes/day) (Program development time: 12 hours)

(UPDATE) Rewritten in Python for better performance (Python + Selenium)

2015 - An Anroid Application developed in Xamarin C# for classrooms to keep track of students hallpass usage. Students sign themselves in/out using the app. Logs are stored in PRS. (.NET/Xamarin)

2015 - Addition to POS: Weekly detailed Financial report for school principals and relevant managers. (.NET/MVC + MsSQL)

2015 – Extension to Future Investors Game: As a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System), positive points that students received from PRS are deposited into their game accounts.

2015 –Future Investors Game: It’s a Stock Market game where students/teachers/parents can play with virtual money. (.NET/WebForms + MsSql)

2015 – ID Maker: By using PRS database, software can generate and export all student IDs in jpeg format ready to be printed. (Excel Macros)

2015 – Nurse Application: A desktop application for school nurse to inform parents about student’s visit to the nurse office. It has scanning feature to make processing faster. (C#/Desktop Application)

2015 – Addition to PRS: Clubs Module with the following features: teachers can submit their club offerings, students can sign up for those clubs, teacher can take attendance. (.NET/WebForms + MsSql)

2015 – Addition to PRS: Weekly Admin Reports. Application sends weekly reports to school administration about the school. (.NET/MVC)

2014 – Addition to PRS: Home visit Module to help teachers to schedule home visits easily where parents can sign up and receive post visit survey afterwards. (.NET/WebForms + MsSql)

2014 – STEM Fair Portal where students can submit their projects, teachers can review/comment/ask for revision and judges to submit their scores with an OMR paper. (.NET/MVC+MsSQL)

2014 – Mentored a STEM fair database project designed by 9th grade student to be used in the Stem Fair portal.

2014 – Addition to PRS: Weekly Parent Reports. Application sends weekly reports about their children’s points. (.NET/MVC)

2014 – Addition to PRS: Front Desk Application to scan volunteer parents in/out and to print late passes for students who arrive late. (C#/Desktop Application)

2014 – Student Point Rewards System (PRS) as a Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) (.NET/WebForms. Some parts are updated to MVC + AngularJS + JQuery)

2014 – CMIT Student Directory is an IOS/Android application to allow teachers/administrators to call their parents easily. (no longer in app stores) (Flash/ActionScript)

2014 – Parent Task Force portal was developed to allow parents to communicate. (no longer in use. ) (.NET/WebForms)

2014 – Mentored a Xbox Kinect like Sport-Math Game for Science Fair (Student won 3rd place in Math & Computer Science (8th grade) (Alice3D)

2013 – Parent Email Sender for admins/teachers to send mass individualized emails to their parents. (.NET/WebForms)

2013 – Student Departure Log/Scanner Software: It is a desktop application for students to sign themselves in and out of classroom. They can scan their ids using barcode scanner attached to computer. Teacher can send email to a student easily. (added in 2014: Teachers can enter a point to PRS. ) (C#/Desktop Application)

2013 – Purchase Order/Maintenance/IT Request System: It’s an online web application for users to submit an request and through approval process. (.NET/WebForms some parts are updated to MVC + Angular)

2012 – Mentored Space Simulation software – Student (6th grade) received a paid internship at the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival (Alice3D)

2012 – Weekly Parent SMS informer module to inform parents weekly by SMS messages. (C#/Desktop Application) (no longer in use)

2012 – Weekly Assessment module to generate reports to monitor students' weekly subject base progress. (Excel Macros) (no longer in use)

2011 – Loudness Monitor that helps with classroom management. (Scratch/BYOB)

2011 – Interactive In-class competition software for Smart Boards (Scratch/BYOB)

2010 – Teacher Evaluation Software (WEDUF) (.NET/WebForms)

2008 – C# project to prepare/generate student schedules for schools (C# - Schedule Generator)

2008 – An e-learning project done in ASP.Net (IdeaFarm Project) (Group Project)

2008 – Electricity in Star Trek (An e-learning project to teach electricity to 7th grade students) (ActionScript + Flash)

2005 - Test Generator (C++)

Other Projects

2017 - (PERSONAL PROJECT) Animal Farm Game (TypeScript + Phaser) A game that I programmed for my son. (Android)

2017 - Sophia: Angular4 project using HTML5 speech recognition API. It’s to provide assistance teachers in classrooms. (In progress) (video)


2016 – PyData 2016 DC

2011 – Carnegie Mellon University – ACTIVATE Computational Thinking

2011 – Carnegie Mellon University – ACTIVATE Computing with Alice

2009 – Bogazici University – Macro Economics (1 Semester)

2009 – Bahçeşehir University –5th School of Politics Seminars (14 weeks)

2009 – Bogazici University – The future of games – Professor David Williamson Shaffer

2008 – Bogazici University – Micro Economics (1 Semester)

2008 – Bogazici University – Marketing (1 Semester)

2008 – BURA Foundation Advertisement Seminars (8 sessions)

2008 – Bogazici University – Advertisement (1 Semester)
